
work smarter - not harder

Timed Ads

Built to Google & Bing Advert Standards

These ads are great when you want a user to see an advertisement for a specific amount of time. You can easily customise the following parameters.

  • Ad Duration on Screen
  • Ad Size Full or Pop Out Modal
  • Ad Close Button Timeout
  • Infinite Ads Can Be Shown

What are Advert Standards

Google Ad Standards are a set of guidelines and principles established by Google to ensure that advertisements delivered through its platforms are safe, appropriate, and effective for both advertisers and users.

These standards are designed to promote a positive user experience while maintaining a respectful advertising environment. They encompass various criteria, including the prohibition of misleading or harmful content, the enforcement of legal compliance (such as age restrictions and privacy laws), and the adherence to technical specifications to ensure ads are correctly formatted and function properly.

Google also emphasizes the importance of relevance and accuracy in advertisements, ensuring that they provide value to the user and are pertinent to their interests or search queries. Advertisers who fail to comply with these standards may face consequences, such as ad disapproval or account suspension, to uphold the integrity of the advertising ecosystem on Google's platforms.

Show Full Ad Show Modal Shows Automatically in 10 Seconds
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