
work smarter - not harder

File Upload

Using Web API's

You can use the input type file to upload files and apply your back-end logic to them. For this example, we used a simple image, where the properties and image will be displayed when uploading. We do not keep any images on our servers.

Upload Files

Upload an image and get all the data inside it placed nicely and with a preview of the image above it all.

Upload Image

Try It Out Now

Simply click the button above, select an image and the data will be displayed below. ** this is only a demo so we will not store the image or data.

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs), known for their ability to deliver a near-native app experience within a browser, also offer robust capabilities for file handling, including the uploading of image files such as logos.

Users can easily upload images through a PWA by interacting with a standard file input element in the web application's interface.

This is made seamless by the HTML5 file API, which PWAs leverage efficiently. Once the user selects an image file from their device, the PWA can process and upload the file to a server or use it directly within the app, depending on the specific functionality required.

This process is enhanced by the offline capabilities and responsive design of PWAs, ensuring that users have a smooth and consistent experience across various devices and network conditions.

The simplicity and efficiency of uploading images through a PWA make it an excellent choice for businesses seeking to streamline user interactions, particularly in scenarios involving customisation or branding with logos.

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