
work smarter - not harder

List Groups

Useful & Stylish

Link lists are awesome to move between pages or trigger actions. We've combined a few styles in our demo, but the possibilities are endless!

Small List Group

A list that contains 2 icons, and a text. ideal for a small patch of text and icons. These support background Colours, classic simple lists styles, or can support badges and even switches!

Large List Group

A list that contains 2 icons, and a text. ideal for a small patch of text and icons. These support background Colours, classic simple lists styles, or can support badges and even switches!

Boxed List Group

Link boxes allow you to use an 2 icons and text as well to help provide more info.

Message Centre chat user icon Welcome

As this is your first visit, I thought I should just say hello, and to let you know that I am here should you need to speak with someone today.