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Great functions Baked-In!

Over 70 pre-built functions provide near endless (1.18 sextillion) possible webpage combinations so your website will always be unique.
** a sextillion is 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 and thats a very big number indeed!

Tap/Click on any of the functions listed below to find out more and for a demonstration of the functions & features .

Actions General Our No1 Feature - multiple page actions Advert Boxes Built to Google Advert Standards Adverts Timed Only appear after any given time Add To Home Page Add to mobile phones homepage Accordions Great for FAQ's Action Sheets Interact with users and display messages Auto Dark Mode Detect and Auto Activate Dark Mode Buttons Designed to pop content Back to Top Badge or Single Button to go Back Up! Before & After New in TradeSecret Version 2.1 Breadcrumbs Powered by Bootstrap 5 Charts Powered by charts.js Chips Small Elements to Show Small Information Cookie Box Consent or Show Messages with Cookies Cards - Content Multiple Designs for displaying your Content Cards - Captions The most powerful cards Cards - Gradients Powered by our free Colour packs Cards - Infinite Infinte Scrolling backgrounds Cards - Roll Over Modern, Pull Over Content Effect Columns One? Two? Three? All built in Colour Packs Pre-Built beautiful Colour Palettes Collapses Great for Links and Small Menus Dividers Spacing Between Elements Disqus Comments Embed Disqus Comments Embedly Embed Anything Embeds Classic Embeds - Video, Music, Maps & more Emojis Using UNICODE Format File Upload Upload Images or Files Facebook Comments Embed Facebook Comments Form Wizard Panel, Modal or Sheet Wizards Geo Location Get Location using your devices GPS Graphs Powered by Charts.js Google Fonts Use any Google Font Header Styles A Variety of Headers Styles Available Header Page Titles A Variety of Page Styles Available Footer Menu Styles Three Awesome Styles Included Footer Menu Infinte New in TradeSecret Version 2.1 Inputs From Text to Sliders. We have them all Icons As beautiful as Buttons, but smaller Icon Fonts Powered by FontAwesome 6 Infographics Showcase your statistics Images With extra Effects, Borders and Hovers Link List This page is a Link List. There are lots more Notifications Designed to Feel Like a Mobile Notifications OS Detection Detect what device is browsing your page Offline Detection Turn off your internet. You'll see a Warning Quotes Share a great quote. Pagination Move Between Pages with Ease Particles - Snowflakes Set the Winter Mood to your Pages Particles - Hearts Ideal for Valentines Day - Can be used with any icon Preloaders Examples of Preloaders for your Pages Pricing Tables You can use them in Carousels/Sliders as well Reviews Share the awesome feedback you get Reading Time Showing the progress of each Page Sliders / Carousels Powered by OwlCarousel. Fast, light, flexible Snackbars Little notification boxes from the bottom Sidebars / Panels Awesomely Powerful! Socials Social Media built into our products Social Sharing Sharing is caring and gets more visitors Search Page Box A fully functional search system Search Header Box Search Bar animated in Header Bar Shadow Effects New in TradeSecret 2.1 Scroll Fixed Ads Show adverts when you scroll the page Tabs Compact content with classic and pill tabs Tables Insert all the information you need Text Resizer Increase or Decrease Text Size Toasts Simple boxes that fly up and fall down Toggles Toggle your content on or off, hidden or shown Typography All the typography styles you'll need Working Hours Fully functional Working Hours QR Generator Mobile phone ready Vibrate Provide Heptic Feedback Web Share Uses your Mobiles Native Page Sharing
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