
work smarter - not harder


What is tradesecret?


Easily Win More Business

Conquer your Local Marketplace

Our solution is designed to swiftly help you win more business, amplify your sales, and supercharge your growth. No Gimmicks - No False Promises - Just Results


Better Than Your Competitors

Superior Search Engine Optimisation

Rank higher than the opposition across all major search platforms, plus comprehensive analytics, and much more. Reach more customers and increase your sales.


Everything Your Business Needs

No technical skills required

The only truly total business solution, we take care of everything for you, leaving you free to do what you do best, work smarter, not harder.


Achieve Market Domination

Conquer Those Social Media Channels

Automated Social Media Campaigns & Daily Blogs including fresh articles, useful information and customer engagement done right.


Affordable Fixed Monthly Cost

Minimum Commitment – Guaranteed Results

Experience exclusive market dominance - Our PWA solutions are available for just One Business Per Area, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition.


Boost Your Business

Unleash the power of the Progressive Web Application

It's super fast, ultra reliable, and provides a new and engaging web experience tailored for the modern user on any type of device. Mobile, Tablet & PC

Special Offer

Free Business Listing

For a limited time only, inclusion in the tradesecret digital directory is 100% free. To be included you will need to complete a very simple form, which collects basic business information such as opening hours, location and a brief description of the services that you offer, you can provide as much or as little information as you like, and the whole process should take only a few minutes, although we suggest you get creative and really sell yourselves by writing a great business description.

Tap/Click here to add your business today


Because business is tough enough already.

We've seen firsthand how difficult it is for smaller local businesses to go head-to-head with larger companies, national and international brands online. These bigger players have the money and people to build top-quality websites, get busy on social media, and make sure they're the first names you see when you search online. This often leaves local tradespeople and small businesses out of sight and out of mind.

Yet, being digitally invisible is no longer an option. It's essential to have an effective online presence if you wish to engage with local customers actively seeking your services. That's why tradesecret is here to bridge the gap between your trade expertise and the world of digital marketing. tradesecret is not merely another application; it's your trusted partner in seizing and maintaining the local spotlight you so rightfully deserve. By bringing together our extensive knowledge in SEO, social media, and content marketing, we offer a tailor-made strategy that aligns with your specific business objectives. Whether you are a plumber, carpenter, or any other professional tradesperson, our application offers you the tools to navigate the complexities of online visibility, customer engagement, and lead conversion.


Progressive Web Application

When Google and Microsoft jointly annouced last year that preference would be given to those websites that were more mobile friendly we thought it about time to invest in some new technology, so we went all in and built the very latest in web tech, something called a progressive web application or PWA.

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) offer significant benefits, apart from being blazingly fast, they work on all kinds of devices, from traditional desk top computers and laptops to the latest mobile phones, tablets and smart hardware, plus for individuals with disabilities, primarily due to their inherent design and functionality which align well with accessibility principles.

Our PWA has so many functions and features, that every conceivable option is included.


Available in THREE totally unique flavours 3 flavours of icecream

Unleash the potential of your business with tradesecret, available in THREE dynamic versions, each packed with unique features and advantages! Tailor your experience by selecting the package that perfectly aligns with your aspirations and budget. Elevate your business to new heights; the choice is yours, and the possibilities are endless.

3 flavours of icecream
While we describe this package as 'basic,' it offers far more than that suggests. We transform your current website or initial concepts into a Progressive Web Application, enhancing its functionality and user experience.

Additionally, we provide you with custom digital media templates to help market your business. We also set up your social media platforms to boost your organic marketing efforts.

To round off our service, we ensure your business is registered and visible on key search engines like Google and Bing.
3 flavours of icecream
Under our 'Fully Managed' package, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to take your online presence to the next level. Not only do we convert your existing website into a state-of-the-art Progressive Web Application, but we also continuously update and manage it for you.

Beyond this, we create bespoke digital media templates for your marketing campaigns and actively manage your social media platforms to engage your audience effectively. Moreover, we optimise your site for search engines like Google and Bing, and regularly monitor performance to ensure you remain highly visible online.

In essence, our 'Fully Managed' option provides you with an all-inclusive, hassle-free digital solution.
3 flavours of icecream
Our 'Ultimate' package goes above and beyond to supercharge your online presence. In addition to transforming your current website into a cutting-edge Progressive Web Application, we incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI) features to enhance user experience and drive business performance.

This package also includes the creation of geographically targeted pages for all towns, villages, and local areas you serve. These targeted pages boost your local search visibility, ensuring that you dominate not just one, but multiple local markets. We also create custom digital media templates for your promotional activities, manage your social media platforms, and optimise your site for search engines like Google and Bing.

With the 'Ultimate' package, you get the most comprehensive and intelligent digital solution for widespread visibility and growth.
Comparison Table

There are over 150 functions and features in our PWA package, too many to list here. Plus if you want something extra/different/bespoke, we can build it for you.

FEATURE Basic Standard Ultimate
Progressive Web App
Social Media Templates
Google & Bing Submissions
Monthly Content Updates
Fully Managed Social Media
Weekly Blog Articles
Local Area Pages
Daily AI Generated Content
Individual Area Phone Numbers
Google Advertising (CPC)
Increased Enquiries & Sales
What makes a Progressive Web App

Our Progressive Web App revolutionises your online presence by seamlessly merging blistering speed with a vast array of mobile-optimised functions. This not only ensures unparalleled user navigation but also catapults your website to top-tier performance, giving you a decisive edge over your competitors.

Tap/Click here to see the full list of functions

Here below are the FEATURES that turns our website into a progressive web app. You can read about each feature in more depth by tapping / clicking on the blue button at the base of each card, or you can just press the yellow button to skip to the bottom of the page to learn about Google Rankings and Google Lighthouse.

Pre-Built For 50+ Different Trades

From Plumbers & Electricians to Gardeners & Tree Surgeons

See Full Trade List

If your trade is missing, we will add it.

 • • •  BONUS • • • 

We created our free trade directory to help smaller businesses in our local community take on their much bigger rivals and win! It's packed full of useful functions and designed to maximise your digital exposure.

View The Trade Directory
See An Example Free Listing
Add Your Business Here Today
500 Marketing Emails For Free

 • • •  100% FREE  • • • 

Check out our demo sites

See what we have done for other tradespeople and small businesses. We can do the same for you. Some sites are simple, others have multiple pages and functions. We can build you a site to suit your needs and budget.

Live Site
Live Site
Live Site
Live Site

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Designed to match your existing branding

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CCFFFF CCFFCC CCFF99 CCFF66 CCFF33 CCFF00 66FF00 66FF33 66FF66 66FF99 66FFCC 66FFFF 00FFFF 00FFCC 00FF99 00FF66 00FF33 00FF00
CCCCFF CCCCCC CCCC99 CCCC66 CCCC33 CCCC00 66CC00 66CC33 66CC66 66CC99 66CCCC 66CCFF 00CCFF 00CCCC 00CC99 00CC66 00CC33 00CC00
CC99FF CC99CC CC9999 CC9966 CC9933 CC9900 669900 669933 669966 669999 6699CC 6699FF 0099FF 0099CC 009999 009966 009933 009900
CC66FF CC66CC CC6699 CC6666 CC6633 CC6600 666600 666633 666666 666699 6666CC 6666FF 0066FF 0066CC 006699 006666 006633 006600
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CC00FF CC00CC CC0099 CC0066 CC0033 CC0000 660000 660033 660066 660099 6600CC 6600FF 0000FF 0000CC 000099 000066 000033 000000
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FF33FF FF33CC FF3399 FF3366 FF3333 FF3300 993300 993333 993366 993399 9933CC 9933FF 3333FF 3333CC 333399 333366 333333 333300
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FFFFFF FFFFCC FFFF99 FFFF66 FFFF33 FFFF00 99FF00 99FF33 99FF66 99FF99 99FFCC 99FFFF 33FFFF 33FFCC 33FF99 33FF66 33FF33 33FF00

Selected Colour: Your Choice Will Show Here

Web colors are often represented in hexadecimal (hex) format primarily because of its efficiency in describing colors in the digital realm, especially in the context of computers and programming

Highly Engaging Progressive Web App img

Offering an immersive user experience to keep customers engaged.

This ensures your digital offering is not just another website but an engaging platform that feels like a native app. With faster load times, offline capabilities, and push notifications, a Progressive Web App significantly enhances the user experience, thus encouraging customer loyalty and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Cross-Browser Layout img

Ensuring compatibility across various web browsers for a seamless experience.

Ensuring your website functions flawlessly across various web browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox is crucial for maximum reach and a consistent user experience. This feature ensures that no matter where your customers are or what browser they prefer, they'll always enjoy a seamless interaction with your business.

Search Engine Optimisation img

Ensuring high visibility on search engines like Google and Bing.

SEO ensures your business ranks high on search engine result pages, increasing your site's visibility and traffic. This feature includes optimising your site structure, improving page speed, and creating high-quality content, all aimed at attracting, engaging, and converting customers.

Chat Support (Webchat) img

Real-time customer service through integrated web chat.

Real-time customer service is now almost an expectation. The integrated web chat function provides immediate assistance, thereby significantly improving customer satisfaction and potentially increasing sales conversions.

Social Media Channels img

Integrated platforms for enhanced social media engagement.

The integration of social media channels extends your reach into the daily lives of your customers. This is an invaluable tool for brand engagement, providing regular updates on products, services, or industry news. It also offers a platform for customers to share experiences and reviews, thereby amplifying word-of-mouth marketing.

Online Advertising and Cost-Per-Click img

Tailored online advertising strategies, including CPC campaigns.

This involves tailored online advertising strategies designed to increase your visibility and drive more targeted traffic to your site. With cost-per-click (CPC) campaigns, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective way of attracting potential customers.

Local Phone Number img

Providing a local contact number for customer convenience and trust.

By providing a local contact number, your business instills a sense of trust and community. It can greatly influence customer perception, making your business appear more accessible and customer-focused. It can also increase the likelihood of customers choosing your service over an anonymous, multinational competitor.

Email Support img

Reliable email channels for communication and support.

Reliable and well-managed email support is a cornerstone of good customer service. It offers customers a direct line to your business for detailed queries, complaints, or feedback. Having a dedicated channel ensures that issues are handled efficiently, improving customer satisfaction and trust.

Customer Newsletter and Signup img

Email-based updates and offers, complete with a user-friendly sign-up feature.

This feature allows you to keep your customer base informed and engaged through regular email updates. The user-friendly sign-up function facilitates subscription, helping you to build a database of potential leads and loyal customers.

Ratings & Reviews img

A transparent system for customers to leave and read reviews.

This feature provides a transparent platform for customer feedback. Ratings and reviews lend credibility to your services and products, providing prospective customers with the reassurance they often seek before making a decision. Additionally, they offer valuable insights into areas for improvement.

Multi-Channel Contact (Phone, WhatsApp, Text) img

Diverse communication channels for customer convenience.

Offering multiple avenues for customer interaction enhances convenience and improves the customer service experience.

Blog Articles img

Regular content updates for customer engagement and SEO benefits.

A blog is an excellent tool for customer engagement and has significant SEO benefits. Regular, high-quality content not only establishes you as an authority in your field but also improves your site’s ranking on search engines, thus driving more organic traffic.

Area Pages img

Geographically targeted pages for local search engine visibility.

These geographically targeted pages are designed to boost local search engine visibility. They are an effective way to rank in local search queries, making it easier for nearby customers to find your business when they're in need of your services or products.

Web Optimisation img

Continuous improvements for speed and user experience.

Constant tweaks and improvements are vital for maintaining high levels of user engagement and SEO ranking. This feature ensures that your web application remains speedy, efficient, and up-to-date.

Google Map Integration img

Facilitating easy location finding with embedded Google Maps.

A small but crucial feature, Google Map integration allows customers to easily find your physical location. This is particularly useful for businesses that rely on in-person visits, and it can improve your local SEO efforts, making it easier for nearby customers to find you.

Contact Form img

A user-friendly form for customer enquiries and feedback.

An easy-to-use contact form not only allows your customers to communicate enquiries or concerns directly but also lets you collect valuable data. This can be particularly beneficial for streamlining your customer service and improving marketing strategies.

Payment Support img

Multiple payment gateways for a frictionless transaction experience.

Multiple payment gateways make for a hassle-free transaction experience for the customer. The smoother the payment process, the lower the likelihood of cart abandonment, thus potentially increasing revenue.

Gallery img

A visually appealing section to showcase products, services, or customer testimonials.

This visual feature allows you to showcase your products, services, or testimonials in a compelling manner. A well-curated gallery can enhance your business's credibility and appeal.

Branding & Colours img

Customisable visual themes to align with your brand identity.

Customisable visual themes are essential for brand consistency. By aligning the look and feel of your web application with your established brand identity, you enhance user recognition and trust. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about delivering a cohesive brand experience.

Web Hosting img

Secure and reliable hosting services.

Secure, reliable hosting is foundational for any online presence. Your web application needs a robust hosting platform to ensure it remains accessible and performs well, providing a seamless user experience.

Web Shop via Shopify img

E-commerce capabilities powered by Shopify for a robust online store.

E-commerce capabilities powered by Shopify provide a robust online retail experience. From inventory management to secure payments, this feature helps you manage all aspects of an online shop effectively.

Market Analysis img

Insightful analytics to inform business decisions.

Insightful analytics tools enable you to understand customer behaviour, trends, and other key performance indicators, which in turn can inform better business decisions.

Appointment Booking img

For service-based businesses, an integrated appointment booking system could be invaluable.

For service-based businesses, an integrated appointment system automates the booking process, enhancing efficiency and customer convenience.

Geofencing img

Allows businesses to send notifications or offers to customers when they are within a specific geographical area.

This allows you to engage customers based on their geographical location, sending notifications or offers when they are nearby, thus driving in-person visits.

Push Notifications img

To alert users about new offers, updates, or other relevant information.

Timely alerts about new offers, updates, or other relevant information can significantly boost user engagement and retention.

Video Content img

The option to easily upload and stream video content, perhaps as part of the Blog Articles or Gallery.

The ability to easily upload and stream video content can enhance user engagement and provide additional avenues for content marketing.

Accessibility Compliance img

We ensure the app meets various accessibility standards to be usable by as many people as possible.

Meeting accessibility standards ensures your web application is usable by as many people as possible, enhancing its reach and effectiveness.

FAQ Section img

A pre-compiled list of questions and answers can assist in customer support.

A pre-compiled list of Frequently Asked Questions can serve as a first line of customer support, saving both the customer's and your time.

Testimonials Section img

An area where businesses can showcase customer reviews and testimonials other than the 'Ratings & Reviews'.

Besides the Ratings & Reviews, a dedicated space for customer testimonials can further enhance your business's credibility and appeal.

Artificial Intelligence img

Advanced algorithms for personalisation and efficient customer service.

The use of AI allows for personalisation and more efficient customer service. Through machine learning algorithms, your platform can offer customised experiences based on individual user behaviour, which can significantly improve customer engagement and conversion rates.

24/7 Support img

Around-the-clock customer support for uninterrupted service.

Uninterrupted customer service demonstrates our commitment to your total satisfaction. We are available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you may have, ensuring your business website and digital content remains operational at all times.

Trade Directory img

A comprehensive listing of trades and services offered.

Your business is automatically included in our Trade Directory, which gets published on our website and all social media platforms plus hundreds of local directrories and community forums . This listing provides a comprehensive overview of the trades and services you offer, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

Google™ Lighthouse

How does your website rank right now?

Great content is just the start. To be successful online, you need to ensure your website is fast, secure, and accessible to all. That's why we use Google Lighthouse to audit and optimise your site. Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool that analyses your website's performance, accessibility, and search engine optimisation (SEO). It then provides you with a comprehensive report on how to improve your site's performance and user experience.

Right now in 2024, achieving excellent Google Lighthouse scores has become even more significant than before. The online landscape has grown increasingly competitive, with a proliferation of websites, applications, and online services vying for the attention of consumers. User expectations have evolved as well; they demand fast, seamless, and secure experiences. Google's Lighthouse, an automated tool for improving the performance, accessibility, and overall quality of web pages, has become a barometer for evaluating how well a website meets these modern-day demands. High Lighthouse scores translate to better search engine rankings, improved user experience, and consequently, greater customer retention and conversion rates. In the context of online marketing, this implies that businesses can no longer afford to overlook optimising their web performance, as indicated by Lighthouse metrics.

Additionally, as the world leans more heavily on digital platforms for all aspects of life—from shopping and entertainment to work and healthcare—the importance of website and app functionality has skyrocketed. A high Lighthouse score is an indicator that your platform is not just fast but also accessible to individuals with disabilities, optimised for mobile viewing, and secure from potential threats. This all-encompassing measure of quality makes Lighthouse scores a critical KPI (Key Performance Indicator) for stakeholders across industries. In summary, a top Lighthouse score is not merely a nice-to-have but a vital benchmark that reflects the general effectiveness of your digital assets, shaping your brand's reputation and future success.

More about Google™ Lighthouse


Who/what is tradesecret

tradesecret is a technology service provided by Zero42 Ltd. Established in 1986, we've been pioneers in delivering progressive web applications. Our Christchurch, Dorset office focuses on offering innovative web solutions to businesses of all sizes. Our aim is to give local businesses a competitive edge without unnecessary complexities or buzzwords.

OUR PROMISE: No contracts, no hidden fees, no jargon. Our product is effective and affordable.


You either want our PWA
... or you don't !


FAIRNESS GUARANTEE: Try tradesecret for 30 days with no obligation. If you're not satisfied, walk away with no additional charges. (Excludes 'cost per click' campaigns)


Added BONUS For Local Businesses

The tradesecret project was born after witnessing first-hand how many small local businesses get totally ripped off by their IT providers, and none more so than when navigating through the digital marketing landscape and the mysterious world of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

We have seen so many small businesses pay thousands of pounds for a website that is not fit for purpose, and then pay thousands more for SEO services that are simply not capable of delivering any tangible results. And we don't think that is very fair, honest or ethical.

FREE Trade Directory

Our progressive web application is available to anyone who wants to purchase it. However, if you are based in our local area (Dorset & Hampshire Postcodes) then we also have a FREE local TRADE DIRECTORY where you can add your details. Our system automatically generates your very own Progressive Web Application which you can then use/share with your customers. We currently have over 500 local businesses listed within 85 different categories, but we will be adding more areas and additional trade categories very soon.

  Open Traders Directory  
  Add Your Business now     See what a trade listing looks like  img

We encourage local trades to adopt our tradesecret discount card, this “virtual” card can be shared with your customers and provides them with a small discount every time they use any of the businesses listed in the trade directory. Our platform automatically promotes your business using Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & Instagram plus unlike traditional web sites, tradesecret actively matches local people with local trades.

  Open Traders Directory  
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As this is your first visit, I thought I should just say hello, and to let you know that I am here should you need to speak with someone today.